Above: Here's some of the "finds". Vintage kitchen utensils-I absolutely loovvee! I am going to add a vintage utensil with every apron. I think that this just adds to the vintage feel of the apron. Rt-whisk, spatula, vegetable crinkle cutter, ladle, another crinkle cutter, spoon, potato masher, egg beaters, rabbit ear sifter, another cutter. Above-these small molds are going to go with the children's aprons, child's muffin pan and tin cup-which I am probably going to keep and put pencils in it.
Above: Fruitcake tin full of zipper-Score!! for only $2.
Above: Love the graphics, but rum & brandy fruitcake sounds yucky >:(
Above: Vintage tin for sewing machine attachments. I have not heard of a Emerson machine, but I loved the box and it even still had the attachments. Score!!-$1.75.
Above: Tin came with the book for the attachments. Very neat!
Above: I am always on the look out for wooden spools. I just love them. I want to do something with these spools and the little clay mice that I sculpt. That may come later on this summer/fall.
Above: Some more goodies in the bottom-vintage ric rac, rulers, buttons, zipper, etc.
Above: Paper measuring tape. I will probably use this on homemade cards or tags for the aprons.
Above: Isn't this little table runner sweet. I bought it to make four towels to go with the aprons, but I don't know if I can part with it. The little girl feeding the chickens is so adorable. I believe that the edging is tatting.
Above: Two sweet little doll dresses. Not sure what I am going to do with them yet.
Above: Vintage apron that my mom gave me from Kansas City. Love the red.
We are all sinners and by God's sovereign Grace and Mercy we are saved from the wrath that we all deserve! Jesus is risen! The Lord is Almighty! Forgiving our sins by the blood that was shed!
Happy Easter, everyone!!