Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thumb-body Loves You!

Blogger has had some problems lately. That is why I am just now posting this. I believe that I promised it over a week ago. For some reason I couldn't sign out of my other blog, so therefore I couldn't sign "in" to this one. Anyway, here's what I made the Music teacher and Preschool Director. They are market bags and this pattern is pretty easy. I stamped all of the childrens' finger prints onto a panel for the market bags (all you have to do to remove the panel is unbutton it). This way if the bag gets dirty, they can remove the panel and wash the bag. I did mix fabric medium with the paint but it still could wash out a little.

Above: The whole preschool class. I tried to make the thumbprint children look as much like the real children as possible. That was a lot of fun!

Above: Close up. I put bows and barrettes in the girls' hair and gave the girls pink cheeks.

Above: Please excuse the mess on the counter. I was in a rush, we had to be out the door in about 2 minutes. Which translates into I almost forgot to take pictures of the bags. Whew....

Above: I love the fabric. I used three different prints, handle-brown print, body-light blue print and lining stripe.
Above: I have really enjoyed my hydrangeas. They are not very big but a beautiful blue.

Above: My gardenias in a small half pint vintage milk container. I have two enormous bushes and Dear hubby wants to move the bushes to another part of the yard and I just know that is going to kill them. I absolutely love gardenias and these particular bushes bloom all summer long and sometimes into the fall.
Have a great weekend and remember those men and women that have fought for our country and lost their lives, for the ones still fighting and for our veterans! God Bless! We are so appreciative of sacrifices that you have done for our country to keep us free and safe!