Here's a fun little pumpkin tutorial for you! Make sure when Fall is over and you get ready to throw away all of your gourds and little pumpkins, that you save the stems. They add a realistic touch to handmade fabric pumpkins.
Fabric pumpkin, needle felted acorns, and fabric leaves.
Hand dyed velvet pumpkin.
Draw a 4" circle. Lay the pattern on a double layer of fabric and cut out. Right sides together, sew, leaving a 1 1/2" gap for turning and stuffing. Turn pumpkin right side out. Stuff very firmly. Stitch opening closed. Using crochet thread, start in the middle from the bottom, go up through pumpkin, cross over the side downwards and back through the bottom of the pumpkin pushing needle through pumpkin and upwards. Continue doing this first in a "t" or cross shape and then in an x shape. Tie off on the bottom. Now just glue the stem on. There you have it, your cute little pumpkin. Make a bunch of them and put them in a bowl. Super cute! You could use wool, cute fabric or even felt. Have fun! If you get confused just leave a comment and I will try to explain it better.
This year I planted cotton in my garden. I hoped that it would make actual cotton bolls and it did! See the tiny bowl on the middle shelf? It has three cotton bolls in it.
More of my NC garden grown cotton. I will have to take some pictures of the plants. The flowers are so pretty, they were white and some were pink.
Close up of cotton. I have some seeds that we have already harvested. I can't guarantee they will grow but if you would like a few just send me your address and I will get some to you. You will need to plant them after the last frost in the Spring.
Hi Holly! Love your pictures and all your cute things over here!! I tried to "follow" and google isn't allowing it right now, so I will try again later. Hope you have a lovely day! xo Holly